UPS 2.0 (beta) Carrier has been added (direct integration with UPS)
UX/UI improvements
Duties & taxes: validation improvements to avoid unnecessary calls
CSV import/export improvements
Shipping Rules logic improvements for the “Multi-Origin Shipping” mode
Smart Packaging: bug fixes related to fallback
Table Rates: “custom number” parameter has been added
Table Rates: {cart_weight} and {custom_number} variables have beed added to method’s Info Message
Shipping Options: performance improvements
Other minor improvements and bug fixes
“VAT number” checkout parameter is now supported and available in Segments
“Sign up“ user flow: improvements and bug fixes
Test your rates / Templates: bug fixes
New carrier has been added: OnTrac
Table Rates CSV import: bug fixes and improvements
Packaging Rules / Pack Into Fixed Packages by Qty with Remainders: bug fix
Carrier delivery dates / Additional days min-max: improvements and bug fixes
Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Migration to GraphQL API for all Shopify queries has been completed
New sign up flow has been implemented
Segments: a new “Duties & taxes amount” attribute has been added
Shipping rates timeout logic has been partially implemented: when the timeout is reached, at least some delivery methods are returned in the response (currently not available for Shipping Options with active Smart Packaging)
Shipping labels: a new “Void label“ API method has been implemented
Activity Feed: bug fixes and improvements
Performance optimisation and improvements
Other UX/UI bug fixes and improvements
Activity Feed improvements
Bug fixes
Carrier real-time rates: performance improvements
Other minor UX/UI improvements
Delivery Dates Profiles: UX/UI improvements
Smart Packaging > Packaging Rules: bug fix
DHL Express CA and DHL Express AU connection forms have been updated
Activity Feed improvements
Shipping method’s display names only are now sent to Shopify
Magento and WooCommerce:
Delivery Dates & Time Slots: UX/UI improvements
Duties & taxes: “Trim HS codes down to 6 digits” setting has been implemented
New currencies have been added: THB, ZAR, PHP
Activity Feed: UX/UI improvements
Activity Feed: Orders grid has been implemented
Shipping Segments: a new "Weight or Volumetric Weight" (Cart) attribute has been implemented
New Carrier: Direct Freight Express (AU)
Activity Feed: UX/UI improvements
AI support chat widget has been implemented
Volumetric Weight: UX/UI improvements
Duties & taxes: bug fix related to reading HS Code, Country of Origin and Short Description values
Other minor UX/UI improvements and bug fixes
Billing: usage charges 1-day cycle instead on each activity has been implemented
Address Validation: address status can now be displayed in the order notes
Duties & Taxes / Info message: {tax_amount} can now be converted into the customer’s local currency
UPS account reconnect via OAuth 2.0 has been implemented
ShipStation's UPS and USPS accounts are now supported
Smart Packaging improvements: partial packaging has been implemented
Smart Packaging improvements: "0" weight packages are now ignored
Smart Packaging / Packaging Rules improvements: some Rules are triggered even without packages full match
Smart Packaging: UX/UI improvements: new grids have been implemented
Shipping Rules / UX/UI improvements: new grid has been implemented
Billing settings: UX/UI improvements
Duties & taxes: currency conversion improvements
Table Rates (new UI): bug fixes
Shipping Labels API: "package_code" parameter has been added
“KRW” currency is now supported
Other minor fixes and improvements
Estimated Delivery App: widget now considers product's QTY (works with popular Shopify themes)
New UPS connection flow has been implemented
Delivery Dates: fix for the timezone bug has been implemented
Delivery Dates improvement: reset time for delivery dates if date > than today
Delivery Dates improvement: convert carrier delivery dates timezone to UTC
International Duties & Taxes: exception countries that do not require postcodes have been implemented
Table Rates / Individual Products: refactoring
Segments: IS EMPTY / IS NOT EMPTY operators for collection-type attributes have been added
Activity Feed: search improvements
Other minor fixes and improvements
Multi-Origin: improvements for Shopify locations mapping have been implemented
Multi-Origin: "Priority by Shipping Area" algorithm has been implemented
Multi-Origin: “Fallback to Main Origin“ setting has been implemented
Multi-Origin: bug fix for Merged Shipping Options
Activity Feed: new source filter values for Magento (product page / checkout) have been implemented
Smart Packaging: fallback to Package Volumetric Weight based on DIM factor if carrier services are missing "multi-package" rates has been implemented
Multi-Origin: a new “Fallback to Main Origin“ setting has been implemented
Shipping Option "code" has been added, which can be used for requesting specific Options using API
Duties & taxes: default text in the method’s description has been removed
Activity Feed: order weight has been added into request details
Activity Feed: improvements for Smart Packaging
Fix for "addressLine, city, postalCode, country" for Google Distance Matrix API request
New Carrier has been added: TNT (UK)
Other minor fixes and improvements
Multi-Origin / “In Stock” algorithm for Magento: improvements have been implemented
Multi-Origin / “In Stock” algorithm for Magento: refactoring for “Alphabetical priority” filter
Multi-Origin / “In Stock” algorithm for Magento: new “Priority by Shipping Area“ filter has been implemented
Product Page Shipping: "default address depending on the Store View" feature has been implemented
Reduced 9-sec real-time carrier rates timeout has been implemented in order to meet Shopify timeout requirements
Activity Feed / Shopify: related Order ID has been added into request details
Stripe has been added as a payment provider
Duties & Taxes: connected own carrier account is not required anymore
Improvements for "Website" form
Product weight: 3 decimal digits are now allowed
Smart Packaging: "partial" behaviour has been implemented
Magento OAuth has been implemented
NEW Setup Guide has been implemented
Side menu has been restructured and improved
Table Rates: switch to a NEW interface is now available
Improvements for Smart Packaging in Table Rates
Carrier rates: support for "SEK" currency has been implemented
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Shopify: "Display method's description in the Order Notes" Website setting has been implemented
Shopify: "Show Transit Days" setting has been implemented
Split Checkout: shipments are now sorted alphabetically by source codes
Split Checkout: issues with bundle items have been fixed
Compatibility issue with Stripe payments in mini cart has been fixed
Fallback rates have been improved
"Recommended solutions" UI section has been added
Activity Feed: bug fixes and minor improvements
"Direct Debit" payment method has been added
Multi-Origin / Segments: Stock Qty attribute has been added
Multi-Origin: "Stock qty" algorithms have been improved
Table Rates: bug fix for "Grouped Products" algorithm
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Shopify: "list single line text" metafield type is now supported
Rate Shopping improvements: disallow adding shipping option if more than 2 connected carriers
Info Messages: new {packages} variable for displaying packaging results is available
Carrier rates currency conversion into Website currency has been implemented
New Carrier has been added: Team Global Express IPEC (AU)
New Carrier has been added: Team Global Express Priority (AU)
Bug fix for restrictive and error message for Flat Rate and Free Shipping
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
"Free method" config setting: multi-select has been implemented
Info Messages: new {packages} variable for displaying packaging results is now supported
Info Messages: improvements for {tax_amount} display
Info Messages: support for line break has been implemented
Improvement for Estimated Delivery Dates form Carriers: conditional additional days qty
Better user experience for subscription has been implemented
Carrier Delivery Dates: non-delivery dates have been implemented
Estimated duties & taxes: currency conversion has been implemented
Dashboard: UX/Ui improvements
Other minor fixes and improvements
Test Your Rates: templates have been implemented
Dashboard: new layout has been implemented
Duties & taxes: duties & taxes are now requested only for full destination addresses up to address line in order to avoid waste of credits
Explanatory text for Shipping Option: a new {transit_days} variable has been added
Other minor fixes and improvements
Item's negative stock quantity is now allowed
New variables for shipping method's explanatory text are now supported: min transit days qty - {min_transit_days}, max transit days qty - {max_transit_days}
Issue with the invalid index has been fixed
New variables for shipping method's explanatory text are now supported: min transit days qty - {min_transit_days}, max transit days qty - {max_transit_days}
Link to "settings" has been added in the list of plugins
Carrier Shipping Option: new "Free Shipping items" settings has been added. Exclude certain items from carrier quoting
Merged Shipping Option: the "Explanatory text" setting has been added
Test your rates: templates have been added
Carriers: automatic sync services and packages after carrier connection has been implemented
Shipping Methods: twig-templates support for explanatory text has been implemented
Website sync improvements
Activity feed: applied duties & taxes are now displayed in requests
Address Validation: "Qualify "unknown" addresses as" (commercial, residential) has been added
UX/UI improvements
Multi-Origin Shipping: mapping Origins with Shopify locations has been added
Smart Packaging: displaying packaging results in the order notes is now optional
Duties and taxes: "Do not include Duties & Taxes into shipping rates" setting has been added for Carrier and Table Rates Shipping Options
Duties & taxes: the {tax_amount} variable has been added to Explanatory Text for Carrier and Table Rates Shipping Options
Compatibility with the Amasty OSC extension has been fixed
Duties & taxes: the {tax_amount} variable has been added to Explanatory Text for Carrier and Table Rates Shipping Options
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Duties & taxes: the {tax_amount} variable has been added to Explanatory Text for Carrier and Table Rates Shipping Options
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Multi-Origin Shipping: new absolute Origins filter by Shipping Areas has been implemented
Activity feed: estimated duties & taxes value is now displayed
Activity feed: other minor improvements and fixes
Minor UX/UI improvements
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Estimated Delivery Dates: a possibility to set a custom date format has been implemented
The app interface is now visible for stores with the missing "third-party carrier-calculated shipping" feature
Compatibility issues with Magento versions from 2.3.7 to 2.4.0 have been fixed
Split Checkout: pre-select for shipping method has been fixed
Multi-Origin Shipping: setting now have their own section
Multi-Origin Shipping: "Enable Automatic Source Selection" setting has been added
Multi-Origin Shipping: "Default Source Selection Algorithm" setting has been added
Bug fixes: Product Page Widget, Delivery Dates & Time Slots
Delivery Date and Time Slot picker for WooCommerce has been implemented
Bug fix for getting a "Company Name" parameter from the checkout
Activity Feed (beta) is now available: see details on requests being made for the last 20 days from your platform and "Test your rates"
Shipping Segments: additional operators for "SKU" attribute have been added
Carrier Shipping Options: more countries for FedEx are now supported
Carrier Shipping Options: more countries for DHL Express are now supported
Improvement for FPUW (fixed per unit of weight) calculation has been implemented: "Apply for Weight from" field has been added
Shipping Segments: additional operators for "string" metafields have been added
New currencies are now supported: PKY, JPY, INR, CNY
Shipping Rules: additional texts are now displayed as shipping method's description
UX/UI improvements
Shopify / Smart Packaging: packaging results are now displayed in order notes (store reauthorization is required)
Other bug fixes and improvements
UX/UI improvements: new setup guide has been published
Delivery Dates / Time Slots picker: text labels for dates and time slots have been added
Smart Packaging / Packaging Rules: new packaging algorithm "Pack according to product qty" has been implemented
Smart Packaging / Packaging Rules: new packaging algorithm "Pack Into Fixed Packages by Qty with Remainders" has been implemented
Delivery Dates / Time Slots picker: bug fixes
Delivery Dates / Time Slots picker: fix for Next Day surcharges
Carriers: UPS (Canada) has been added
Test your rates: fix for price with / without tax for Shopify accounts
Other minor fixes and improvements
Delivery Dates / Time Slots: bug fixes and improvements
Smart Packaging: no longer supports carrier packages
Merged Shipping Option: display name has been added
Minor interface improvements
Other minor fixes and improvements
Multi-Origin by attribute: bug fix
UX/UI minor improvements and bug fixes
"SKU" is now available for Table Rates and In-Store Pickup conditioning
Not only product's metafields but variant's metafields are now supported
UX/UI improvements
Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Delivery dates (not only days qty) can now be displayed in shipping method's description
Multi-Origin Shipping: improvements for Merged Shipping Options
Shipping Segments: new attribute group 'Ship From' has been added
Shipping Rules: a new Fixed Per Item From The Attribute (FPIA) calculation has been added
UX/UI improvements for Free Shipping Option
Multi-Origin Shipping for Shopify: multiple vendors per product are now supported
Improvements for Estimated Delivery Dates from Carriers: non-dispatch days/dates are now available for carriers' delivery days
Packaging Rules: CSV import/export has been implemented
Packaging Rules: improvements for 'Pack into fixed packages' algorithms ('by qty' and 'by weight' options)
Custom Packages: a new 'maxQty' parameter has been added
Custom Packages: a new 'package code' parameter has been added
Smart Packaging: 'keepFlat' setting has been added
Shipping Segments: empty attribute value is now allowed
Other minor fixes and improvements
Shipping Labels: tax identifiers have been implemented
Error message from the module config: bug fixes
Other minor fixes and improvements
Minor fixes and improvements
Address line is now optional for carriers' shipping rates
Multi Origin: better carrier rate name
Sort order for Shipping Methods and Carrier Services at the checkout has been implemented
'Company name' is now supported as an attribute
Billing improvements
Check your rates: request id has been added for better troubleshooting
Other minor fixes and improvements
Shipping Estimator: countdown timer has been added
Shipping labels: shipTo date has been added
Support for multi-root categories has been added
Fix for preselected shipping method
Sort order for Shipping Methods and Carrier Services at the checkout has been implemented
Other minor fixes and improvements
Sort order for Shipping Methods and Carrier Services at the checkout has been implemented
Sort order for Shipping Methods and Carrier Services at the checkout has been implemented
Billing and pricing: updates and structure changes
One carrier account can now be connected to multiple Calcurates accounts
Feature Marketplace has been depreciated
Smart Packaging: CSV import/export for Custom Packages has been implemented
Other minor fixes and improvements
Shipping Segments: filtering by 'Cost' has been added for 'Custom Group' conditions
Fix for preselected shipping method
Fix for methods displayed in Shopify admin
New "Segments" algorithm for Table Rates with higher flexibility has been added
New "Pack individually" packaging algorithm has been added
New subscription billing plans and credit packs are available. Check our pricing.
Fix for Delivery Dates
Other minor fixes and improvements
New format for info messages has been added
Fix for getting inventories for Customizable Options
Compatibility with OneStepCheckout has been improved
Other minor fixes and improvements
Support for "Shipping Class" as a product attribute has been added
Minor fixes and improvements
Shipping Rules: improvements for Free Shipping
Table Rates: improvements for CSV import/export
Shipping Segments: minor improvements
Origins: UX/UI improvements
Shipping Options: UX/UI improvements
Address Validation: bug fixes
Delivery Dates: bug fixes
Statistics: bug fixes
Other minor improvements and fixes
Shopify App:
Full support for international shipping rates (landed cost) has been implemented: Calcurates is now reading product's HT code, country of origin, description and displays duties and taxes information at the checkout
Features logging: Volumetric Weight, Smart Packaging, Shipping Rules
Labels: fix for customs object
Address Validation: minor improvements
Table Rates → Grouped Products: improvements
Other bug fixes and improvements
Delivery Dates profiles: fixes and improvements for conditional dates
Duties & Taxes (landed cost) are now available for Table Rates
Origins: UX/UI improvements
Calcurates services status page is now available - Calcurates status
Other minor fixes and improvements
Shipping Estimator for Magento product pages: improvements
Split Checkout for Magento: bug fixes
Bug fixes and improvements
UX/UI improvements: Websites, Origins
Multiple SKUs are now available for the Custom Group attribute
Other minor fixes and improvements
New feature: Split Checkout for Multi-Origin Shipping is now available (beta version)
Shipping on Product Page (aka Shipping Estimator) improvement: Google Address autocomplete is now available
Smart Packaging improvement: packages are now displayed on the order page in Magento admin
The issue with SOAP API has been fixed
Other minor fixes and improvements
Shopify: metafileds are now supported as attributes in segments and conditions
Shopify: tags are now supported as an attribute in segments and conditions
Shopify: collections are now supported an attribute in segments and conditions
SKU: multiple values support instead of just one has been added
Address Validation improvements for Segments
Other minor improvements and fixes
UX/UI updates: meet new dashboard, "getting started" page and improved menus.
New advanced feature has been added: Address Validation (residential/commercial address lookup). Set shipping rules based on address type and see the ShipTo address status in your e-commerce admin panel.
Shipping Segments: "address type" attribute is now available
Shipping Rules: apply multiple rules to a single shipping method
New Carrier has been added: APC
New Carrier has been added: DPD Local
New Carrier has been added: FedEx Canada
Other minor fixes and improvements
Packaging Rules: new rule algorithm "Pack according to product weight" has been added