Every standard dropshipping delivery includes the supplier's contact, sometimes on the shipping labels, so the recipient can track down and contact the drop shipper in search of better prices or enhance their
own supply chain. This can be harmful if your competitor selects this method to obtain your supplier's information and gain a trustworthy supplier for himself. Thus, to prevent these situations business owners use blind shipping or blind dropshipping suppliers.
With blind shipping, the customer receives a package with only the store contacts. All other information is hidden so their is no way to find the supplier's information. A good example is to
ship like Amazon, which uses its warehouse contact information on the order instead of the original seller's, so only the shipper is unknown. This leaves customers with access to important information, but not commercially sensitive supply chain data. Not every e-commerce store can fulfill blind shipping on its own though, especially those relying on a third party logistics blind shipment company. Implementing robust
data services can enhance the efficiency of various operational processes in a business setting